Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Lilly Ledbetter Act Sociology Essay
The Lilly Ledbetter Act Sociology Essay In January 2009, President Obama signaled his commitment to improving the lives of working women with the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act. By signing this act into law, President Obama signed a significant shift in the view of American polity toward the status of women in the workplace. While this change is significant in the upward mobility of women, only a small portion of women in the workforce will benefit from this new law. Introduction Many explanations have been offered by scholars for gender-wage disparity. Pay disparities have often been attributed to the segregation of women in certain female-dominated occupations, disparities in professional skills, education, and experience, and differences in family status, as well as the role of industry and wage structure. What that said, evidence still suggests that at least part of this gender pay gap is due to discrimination which may be subtle and even unconscious. While the pay disparity exists in nearly every traditional field, jobs associated with male roles continue to be better paid than jobs associated with roles that are considered traditionally female even though these jobs may often require the same skill level. Women dominate jobs in nursing, home health assistance, child care, teaching, cleaning, and food preparation; most of which replace things that women historically have performed in the home for free. While women are making strides in our white collar s ections of our economy, working-class America has not yet benefited from this economic and cultural power shift. Jobs held mainly by women are paid at rates that on average are 20% less than those equivalent jobs held mainly by men. Improvements in pay for women have been related to a greater presence of women in the labor force, rising educational attainment, and the movement into professional and managerial jobs, but there still continues to be an unexplained gender pay gap against women. Today, women with the same amount of education and experience earn 81 percent of what men do; although, this is better than the 60 percent they earned in 1980. This pay gap has persisted and remained relatively consistent for the past 2 decades. Historical Relevance Social Welfare Policies Recent research indicates women now make up almost half of the American work force and earn 60% of college degrees in America. Empowerment alone is not entirely responsible for this revolution. Politics has played a big role in the movement of women into the work force. A number of policies in the 1960s seemingly targeted gender discrimination in the labor market. Legislative efforts that have attempted to address this problem include the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Acts of 2009 and 2012. These changes along with the rise of the service sector and the decline in manufacturing have supported and encouraged the entrance of women into the American workforce, but progress has not been uniform as seen in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). The Equal Pay Act On June 10, 1963, the Equal Pay Act (EPA) was passed by Congress dictating that women and men must receive equal pay for equal work on the recommendation of President John F. Kennedys Commission on the Status of Women. Under the mindset that men were the heads of households and therefore where the primary income producer in families, women had previously been paid less when employed in identical jobs. Regardless of the fact that in many homes women were considered the breadwinners for reasons ranging from death or disability of a spouse, divorce, and/or single parenthood. The EPA prohibits gender-based pay discrimination among employees within the same work place who do substantially equal work. Although gender can no longer be viewed as a drawback, demonstrable differences in seniority, merit, the quality or quantity of work, and/or other considerations might merit different pay can be used if proven. The statute of limitations for filing a suit is 2 or 3 three years, depending on w hether the discriminatory act is intentional. In order to recover under the act, a woman must prove that an employer paid higher wages to men, male and female employees conduct an equal amount of work that requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and men and women performed the work under similar working conditions. The act establishes four main defenses for employers. An employer may pay a male employee more than a female employee if the employer can establish that payment is based upon a seniority system, a merit system, a system whereby earnings are based upon the quantity and quality of production by the employees, or a differential based upon any other factor other than the sex of the employees. While the first three of these defenses have been the subjects of litigation, the fourth exception if often litigated more frequently. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is considered our nations benchmark legislation. Signed into law on July 2, 1964, the Civil Rights Act paved the way for future anti-discrimination legislation and President Lyndon Johnson asserted his commitment to President Kennedys legislative agenda, Passage of the Act ended the application of Jim Crow laws, which had been previously upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson.Ã Congress eventually expanded the Civil Rights Act to strengthen enforcement of these fundamental civil rights. These changes were needed to strengthen the original proposal submitted by President Kennedy in response to the racially-motivated violence across the South which occurred during tumultuous summer of 1963. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and subsequent amendments prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex in a broader set of categories, including hiring, promotion, and other conditions of employment. It requires filing a comp laint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission within 180 days after an intentional discriminatory act. Although the inclusion of the word sex in the original draft of this 1964 Act was considered a joke, this inclusion has become the basis for most gender-based discrimination policy in the United States. As a result of fears regarding the impact of this legislation on his predecessor, congress adopted the Bennett Amendment into bill shortly before its passage in 1964. Interested parties feared that an employee filing suit under Title IV could file a wage discrimination case without the need to prove equal pay for equal work as required under the EPA. The Bennett Amendment provides that an employer may pay his employees different wages based on gender if the provisions of the Equal Pay Act authorize such differentiation. Executive Order #11246 On September 24, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson issued Executive Order #11246. Generally considered the nations first affirmative action order, Executive Order #11246 requires companies receiving federal construction contracts to ensure equality in the hiring of minorities. The order was amended in 1967 to include gender discrimination. The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on February 5, 1993. FMLA is considered a labor standard classifying requirements for eligible employers and also a major milestone in the legal support of family life. FMLA recognizes that family life events have an impact on the workplace and requires the workplace to accommodate those events to provide job protection. Entitlements for employees who meet FMLA eligibility requirements include job protection and unpaid leave for a qualified medical and family reason. Eligible employees may take up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave during any 12 month period for the serious health condition of the employee, parent, spouse or child, or for pregnancy or care of a newborn child, or for adoption or foster care of a child. An FMLA-eligible employee is an employee who has been in the business at least 12 months and worked at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months. Work must be done at a location where the company employs 50 or more employees within 75 miles. FMLA does not apply to workers in businesses with fewer than 50 employees, part-time workers who have worked fewer than 1,250 hours within the 12 months preceding the leave and a paid vacation, workers who need time off to care for seriously ill relatives other than parents, workers who need time off to recover from short-term or common illness like a cold, or to care for a family member with a short-term illness such as child, and workers who need time off for routine medical care, such as check-ups. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) dictates that families receiving public assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program take personal responsibility for their low-income lives and that paid work is essential to moving the family out of poverty. The PRWORA represents the change in the welfare system that no longer permitted poor families to receive assistance while staying at home with children. With the passage of PRWORA, Congress essentially ended single mothers entitlement to income support by emphasizing paid employment. The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act In 2009, President Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, which allows victims of pay discrimination to file a complaint with the government against their employer within 180 days of their last paycheck, not as previously stated the first paycheck. Victims were previously allowed 180 days from the date of the first unfair paycheck. Interpretation of Such Policies The 1963 Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act combined are thought to settle the matter of equal pay in law. In 1963, when the Equal Pay Act was passed, full-time working women were paid 59 cents on average for every dollar paid to men. This means it took 49 years for the wage gap to close just 20 cents; a rate of less than half a penny a year.Ã [1]Ã In a 2007 U.S. Census Bureau report in, median pay for women is less than of men in each and every one of the 20 industries and 25 occupation groups surveyed. In fact, men working in female-dominated occupations still tend to earn more than women working in those same occupations. According to the Institute for Womens Policy Research, if equal pay for women were instituted immediately across the board, it would result in an annual $319 billion gain nationally for women and their families (in 2008 dollars).Ã [2]Ã Over her working life, a typical woman could expect to gain a total of $210,000 in additional incom e if equal pay were the norm (these numbers include part-time workers).Ã [3]Ã The Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act are important laws, but they are hard to enforce, and legal cases are extremely difficult to prove and win. Part of the problem is that many women can be underpaid without knowing it. Many companies continue to make it taboo to discuss salaries even though in some cases these policies are unfair and/or sometimes unlawful. In addition, without knowing what a job truly pays, women can devalue themselves when negotiating a new salary. Suing is also not a practical remedy for women since awards are limited under the EPA to 3 years worth of pay, which may make it difficult to find a lawyer to accept the case. In addition, the EPA does not allow participation in class action lawsuits for wage discrimination, and since discrimination is almost never in the form of a smoking gun, women still continue to suffer from the glass ceiling and old boys network. Recent court decisions and settlements reveal women earning low wages, faced with s ystemic discrimination in hiring, pay, promotions, or working conditions. In 2011, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) settled lawsuits against 3 employers in low-wage industries for systemic sex discrimination.Ã [4]Ã Although this civil action is promising, the Supreme Court has recognized the fear or retaliation leads many victims of pay discrimination to remain silent. Low-wage workers face substantial risk of retaliation by standing up to an employer to challenge discrimination and often remain silent. Unavailable resources also make options for low-wage workers difficult. Women who complain are labeled troublemakers which may follow them as they seek other employment. Employers often fight back aggressively and seek to ruin the credibility of the employee as they seek to defend the company. Women are often subjected to questioning about their sexual history as well as gynecologic medical records in efforts to intimidate them in court. Legal cases can be extremely difficult to prove and win since enforcement of the laws is complaint-driven and, unfortunately, most of the information needed to prove a complaint is held by employers. Pursuing an equal pay case under these circumstances can be devastating to the personal lives and finances of the plaintiffs. The first Executive Orders addressing discrimination in private sector grew out of the unique labor market conditions created by Americas entry into World War II. The basis for these orders was felt to fall under the Presidents authority to provide for national defense. A significant national commitment was signaled by the Johnson administration to social policy. By issuing Executive Order #11246, President Johnson signaled his belief that to truly level the playing field affirmative measures were required to undo the consequences of the historic exclusion of minorities and women from many areas of the workplace. The Presidents authority to issue this Order derived from his authority to ensure that government procurement was conducted in an economical manner. The relationship between the supply of labor and these Executive Orders is evident in that the eradication of discrimination is empirically related to economy and efficiency in government. As a byproduct, research has determined the effects of affirmative action on the gender pay gap estimating that employment of women increased somewhat faster in contractor firms as a result of the effects of affirmative action, but women have seen greater employment opportunities in the economy as a whole most particularly in the public sector. In the private sector or those contractors that are not subject to affirmative action provisions, affirmative action laws and regulations are few and far between. Under Federal law, only 2 types of private-sector employers are required to implement affirmative action plans; those that have federal contracts or subcontracts in excess of $50,000 and those that have at least 50 employees. This translates to 1 in 4 American workers holding jobs in the private sector covered by mandatory federal affirmative action programs. The role of these policy changes cannot be ruled out in both the increase in the gender pay disparity. Coverage under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is far from universal and many low-wage, single-income workers simply cannot afford to take time-off from work without pay. Low-wage workers in particular would benefit from expanded paid leave policies as they are less likely to be covered by the federal policy since they are considered the working poor and are in greater need of pay during time-off from work for major life events. Women make up 59% of the low wage service-related work force with nearly two-thirds of those earning minimum wages. Women in low-wage positions often have significant demands on their time including, but not limited to holding down multiple jobs, raising children, pursing education, and training. Many single-mother families live paycheck-to-paycheck and may fear being easily replaced by their employers. Lack of information about better paying jobs or options available to them, lack of transportation, and the inability of low-wage female workers in si ngle income families to easily recover from job loss all factor heavily in a decision to challenge discrimination or remain silent. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 was at the time considered a reassertion of Americas work ethic. This Act single-handedly increased the poverty rate of low-wage families, most of them headed by single mothers. This legislation was passed in the middle of the strongest labor market in decades, especially for low-wage work, and was followed by sharp increases in the employment of unmarried mothers. The hope was that as former single welfare mothers entered the labor market they would eventually climb the job ladder; although, research has shown that wage profiles for less-educated workers remain stagnant even if earnings profiles slope upward. Female workers with low levels of education not only typically earn less; they are also hit hard by the wage gap. Less-educated, low-wage workers experience little wage growth while working for the same employer and only limited gain. Their experience is also less meaningful than for that of more-educat ed workers when moving to a new employer. The occupational segregation of men and women into different jobs in the service sector explains the single-largest portion of the gender pay gap, 49.3 percent. Many jobs that women have historically held by women are underpaid when compared to mens jobs that require similar levels of skill. A traditionally male job can earn more a traditionally female job. It is not that the male job has a much higher level of skills than the female job, but that our society values these jobs differently and this is a choice we make. Jobs considered traditionally female have been systemically undervalued for such a long time that we think it is natural, but in fact this is an ongoing legacy of past discrimination.Ã [5]Ã Finally, The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act provides women with a critical tool to challenge discriminatory pay practices, but it will not change pay disparity. The Act amends Title VII and restores the law that existed before the Supreme Courts 2007 decision in the Ledbetter case with regard to the timing of legal challenges. With a record number of women currently participating in the workforce, wage discrimination hurts the majority of American families by compromising their economic security today and their retirement security tomorrow. Rising employment rates have forced an unprecedented number of women into the position of primary breadwinners for their families. This alone makes pay equity even more critical. While the Ledbetter Act does not end pay disparity, it brings women one step closure to making real progress in pay disparity. Stronger incentives are needed for employers to follow the law, women need to be empowered to negotiate for equal pay, strengthen feder al outreach, and education, and enforcement efforts such as those contained in the now failed Paycheck Fairness Act are needed. Discrimination would then be deterred due to strong penalties for equal pay violations as well as retaliation against workers who ask about wage practices or disclose their own wages. Criticism/Critical Debate The consequences of the wage gap are both widespread and numerous. When women are paid less than men, the means by which they support themselves and their families is compromised. The number of single-family households has risen dramatically over the past 4 decades. The increase in the number of single-mother families can be correlated to the increase in child poverty in the United States. Unsurprisingly, single parent families headed by women are nearly twice as likely as single parent families headed by men to live below the poverty level. Although most children reared in mother-only households do well, there may be adverse consequences for others. By earning less, women will automatically experience the disadvantage of a less stable economic status and may be less likely to question their wage status due to fear of poverty. The wage gap disparity is also visible in fringe benefits, which currently make up about 30 percent of total compensation. Lower wages means lower lifetime earnings resulting in lower pension benefits upon retirement. The lack of coverage or lower benefit levels may not be a problem for some women, since they receive benefits through a spouse, but for other women, lack of adequate health or pension benefits from their job is a serious problem. As with wages, the gap in fringe benefits is thought to be related to differences between men and women in human capital and job characteristics. Some studies contribute differences in human capital to motherhood and parenting responsibilities since women are largely responsible for childrearing in our society. The correlation is that women are felt to less likely than men to gain work experience and skills, and therefore, are less likely to qualify for high-paying jobs; however, studies have demonstrated that when controlling for sex-based dif ferences in work hours, work interruptions, and part-time work, childless women earn no more than mothers and single women earned no more than married women. Thus, these wage disparities are not exclusively attributable to motherhood, and factors other than unequal sharing in childrearing duties must be at play. Supporting studies have found that in narrow sections of students graduating from the same law school with the same amount of experience, the human capital argument failed to explain the gender-based wage disparities in the American labor force. Another consideration for the wage disparity can be found in the role of industry and wage structure. This discrimination clearly starts the second women begin their first job, and follows them no matter where they go or what they do. New graduates not only make less, but continue to make less with each subsequent degree and the gap actually widens as they progress. Women make less than men no matter what industry or occupation they enter. This can be attributed to the decline in blue-collar jobs where women are under-represented. The rise of women in blue collar jobs has benefited women in that traditionally men have been more likely to be union members than women. Union representation has historically helped to increase the gender pay gap, but the share of unionized workers who are female has increased as unions have grown in certain public sector and service-related occupations that have a greater share of female workers. This in itself has played a relatively small role in the de clining gender pay gap. Public sector and service-related occupations remain crucial for women. Women have historically been overrepresented in public-sector employment. Public sector jobs generally pay more than jobs in the private sector raising the average pay for women in our contemporary economy, but recent decisions by many state and local governments to respond to diminished revenues and budget shortfalls by cutting public-sector jobs have had substantial economic effects on women. Although state and local public-sector workers have significantly higher levels of education than their private-sector peers, they are consistently underpaid relative to similar private-sector workers in similar jobs, and the disproportionate share of women and minorities working in state and local government has also translated into higher rates of job loss for both groups in these sectors. Affirmative action has played a significant role in public sector jobs, but this has mainly benefited white women, many of which are not coming from the lower-class labor market. According to the United States Labor Department, the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women. The Department of Labor estimated that 6 million women workers are in higher occupational classifications today than they would have been without affirmative action policies. Conclusion The empowerment of women is considered to be one of the greatest changes in the past 50 years. This has been manifested in equal rights acts, changes in social welfare legislation, and changes in employment legislation such as the Lilly Ledbetter Act. The changes have all in one way or another corresponded with the rises in the labor market that have both supported and encouraged the entrance of women and minorities into the American workforce. Improvements in pay for women have been related to a greater presence of women in the labor force, rising education attainment, and the movement into professional and managerial jobs, but pay disparity still persists. Historically, legislation favoring the elimination of discrimination in the workforce has been used also to support economic growth. This would suggest that the driving factor behind this legislation is not discrimination or gender parity, but capitalism/the economy. Executive Order #11246 and The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 are examples of this. The impact of these Acts on low-wage female workers is evident. More low-wage single-mother households are living in poverty at this time than ever before. In fact, there has been no legislation to date to protect part-time and contingent workers at all and their numbers are growing. These workers are not eligible for time-and-a-half overtime, minimum wage protections, and they have very little job security. Most low-wage single-mothers are also not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act. The impacts of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its subsequent amendments, as well as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Acts of 2009 and 2012, are largely felt to be in the public sector, which is subjected to monitoring and oversight by the EEOC, and in the private sector in the form of blue collar jobs which are dominated by unions. Unions provide better benefit protection, safety protection, and job security. Lilly Ledbetter herself benefit greatly from protection in her job due to her union. Studies have shown that women who have had the benefit of being supported by union membership experience significantly less pay disparity. Low-wage workers often find it hard to unionize, especially in the private sector as this is often discouraged by employers. Workers are often bullied and intimidated to discourage talk of union membership. Strong unions in these sheltered areas would greatly benefit low-wage workers. Better enforcement of existing laws and regulations is also needed as well as stronger laws such as the Paycheck Fairness Act to address this issue. Lawsuits will not have a significant impact on pay disparity as individual wage discrimination cases are very expensive to pursue and difficult to argue. Private cases also do not have an important impact on the labor market. Class-action lawsuits are rare and are usually based on many employees and one employer or a few employers, and are generally not feasible in wage disparity cases. As previously mention, they are forbidden under the EPA. Finally, the fact that this problem is not concentrated in one area or agency makes it difficult to assess. Change is needed from outside these organizations. Federal standards should be adopted to specifically address pay inequality at all levels of government and even in the private sector. Internet Sources American Civil Liberties Union, www.aclu.com. The ACLU takes an active role in defending the freedoms granted to American citizens by our Constitution and laws of the United States in this country. The ACLU brings many discrimination cases on behalf of workers each year, testifies in front of Congress on behalf of womens issues, and works hard to lobby for womens rights in the workplace. National Committee on Pay Equity, http://www.pay-equity.org/. The National Committee on Pay Equity is a coalition of organizations working to eliminate sex-based and race-based pay discrimination to achieve pay equity. The American Association of University Women, http://www.aauw.org The American Association of University Women advances equality for women and girls through legislation, research, advocacy, and philanthropy. Its mission is a community to break through economic and education barriers so that women have a fair chance.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Use of Birds in Keats Ode to a Nightingale and Shelleys To a Sky-Lark
Use of Birds in Keats' Ode to a Nightingale and Shelley's To a Sky-Lark Of particular interest is the use of birds by two romantic poets. John Keats once listened to a bird song and gifted us with his Ode to a Nightingale. The sky-lark inspires Percy Shelley and through his vision of the bird we are privy to its beauty. Birds have always held a significance in human lives. While some animals were companions, others for labor or a source a food, our flying companions held an other-worldly place. They achieved heights unattainable to humans -- and sung while they did that. These two poets use a bird as their muse and also symbolically for the human experience. Keats' ode begins with his feeling drowsy, lethargic and sad, as if he were under the influence of a drug. In the background of his mind he hears the nightingale "In some melodious plot" (1.8) singing joyfully. The first stanza seems to be the beginning of an awakening. The poet is lost in his own world, in a drugged state, where the only sound allowed to enter is the bird's song. Alone in a saddened state a person can feel isolated and withdraw from others. In the first part of this stanza Keats conveys this solitary depression, where the mind is so overwhelmed with preoccupation that the outside world cannot intrude. This is similar to someone being told devastating news and that person walks about in a daze, even to the point of walking into traffic without realizing it. The second part reveals a touch of redemption. Something from outside the mind is allowed to enter the consciousness. A healing of the mind can happen and the song of a bird is the catalyst. This melancholy is carried over into the second stanza and the poet speaks of wanting to "leave the worl... ...eats lacks resolution; his poem is slightly disturbing. While the reader can discern seeds of happiness in Keats' poem, it never fully develops. Both poets though convey a sense of being one with the bird. In effect the birds become anthropomorphic. It is interesting to see how these poets use their imagination to seemlessly blend human life with the respective birds. Works Cited Heyen, William. "In Consideration of Percy Shelley." Southern Humanities Review Spring. 1983: 131-42. Jarrell, Randall. "The Profession of Poetry." Partisan Review Fall. 1950: 724-31. Knight, G. Wilson. Percy Shelley and the Poetry of Vision. New York: Barnes and Noble Inc., 1960. Maurer, Robert E. "Notes on John Keats." John Keats: A Collection of Critical Essays. 1972: 79-99. Williams, Meg Harris. Inspiration in Milton and Keats. Totowa: Barnes and Noble Books, 1982.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Global Demand For Energy Has Increased Environmental Sciences Essay
Global demand for energy has increased from 1979 to the twelvemonth 2005 at a growing rate of 1.5 per twelvemonth. But from 2005 onward the planetary energy demand per twelvemonth has increased to 2.4. Keeping the same energy ingestion tendencies, it has been predicted that these demands would increased to 50 by 2030 as shown in the figure [ 2.1 ][ 1 ].1.jpg Fig. 2.1 Global Energy Consumption Growth is increased at 2.4 per twelvemonth after 2006 The developed states already consumed the most of the universe energy, but the energy demands in developing states are turning at much faster rate. Among developing states, China and India have the fastest turning rate. The energy demands in both states have increased at a fast rate ( 8 to 18 ) during 1980 to 2005. It has been estimated that China and India are projected to devour 25 of the universe energy by 2030[ 2 ]. These energy demands have increased due to rapid addition in population and rapid economic growing. In developing states per capita energy consumed has increased but still their ingestion is far behind the developed states like OECD Countries, as shown in Figure [ 2.2 ] . Entire universe energy demand demoing part of Non-OECD states and parts. Beginning: BP Statistical Review of World Energy. Fig. 2.2 Energy Consumption in developing states has been increased at a fast rate so developed states By and large the universe energy demands are fulfilled with assorted energy resources including crude oil, Coal, Gas, Nuclear energy, Hydro energy etc. But the chief part is coming from Petroleum, Coal & A ; Gas. Petroleum is the universe ââ¬Ës premier beginning of energy, with oil carry throughing more than 30 of entire universe energy demands. Coal is going the 2nd largest and fast turning energy beginning, lending 25 of the planetary energy demands during the recent old ages, as shown in the Figure [ 2.3 ][ 3 ].Untitled-1.jpg Fig. 2.3 Global Energy Consumption is chiefly based on Non-renewable resources ( Oil, Coal & A ; Gas ) 2.2 Adverse Impacts of Energy Consumption on Earth After the industrial revolution in the eighteenth cantury, most of the industrialised states have used non-renewable energy resources ( fossil fuels ) . As a consequence now more than 80 universe energy is derived from these non-renewable energy resources. The current energy ingestion forms are non-sustainable and besides consuming at a fast rate. At the same clip the usage of these non-renewable resources have assorted inauspicious impacts on our environment, with the uncontrolled emanation of GHG gases ( Green House Gases ) . In the current scenario, if no farther action is taken to cut down the energy ingestion, energy related CO2 emanations will increase 49 by 2030 as compared to in the twelvemonth 2005 as shown in the Figure [ 2.4 ][ 4 ].Untitled-1.jpg Fig. 2.4 Global CO2 emanations will increase 49 by 2030 as compared to in the twelvemonth 2005 This addition in GHG emanations due to lifting energy ingestion is ensuing in ââ¬Å" Global Heating â⬠.2.2.1 Global WarmingGlobal heating is the alteration in clime caused by the increased mean temperature of the lower ambiance due to inordinate sum of GHG ( nursery gases ) . Global heating is caused by assorted factors but the most ascendant is concerned with the human intervention peculiarly the inordinate emanation of GHG by devouring energy generated from fossil fuels. The chief Green House Gases in the Earth ââ¬Ës ambiance are ; Water Bluess Carbon Dioxide ( Co2 ) Methane Azotic Oxide and Ozone Greenhouse gases ( GHG ) , including C dioxide, methane, and H2O bluess act like a nursery around the earth.A These gases allow the heat from the Sun rays into the Earth ââ¬Ës ambiance, but non leting the heat to get away back into the infinite as shown in the Figure [ 2.5 ] .A The more nursery gases there are, the larger the per centum of heat that is trapped inside the Earth ââ¬Ës ambiance[ 5 ]. global20warming20diagram.jpg Fig. 2.5 Graphic Representation of Greenhouse Gases Emission Process With inordinate GHG emanations, the unnatural rise in Earth ââ¬Ës atmosphere temperatures cause the Global Warming. Global Warming has assorted inauspicious effects on Earth including ; Rise in Earth Temperature ( Earth Temperature will lift up to 3 grade Centigrade by 2030 ) Rise in Sea degree ( The sea degree due to runing of polar ice cap & A ; other glaciers will lift 21 inches by 2050. Melting of polar ice cap & A ; Glaciers ( From the twelvemonth 1979 to 2005 the 21 of the polar ice cap has already gone ) Abrupt alteration in clime ensuing inundations & A ; hurricanes ( Due to alter in clime rain falls timings has been disturbed, rain falls are non coming at their coveted timings ) Decrease in air quality ( The Co2 constituents maximal bound is 350 p.p.m. ââ¬Å" parts per million â⬠, presently this figure has already reached to 388 p.p.m )[ 6 ] Break of H2O supplies will hold farther inauspicious impacts including ; Impacts on Economic Development Decrease in Agricultural Merchandises Disease epidemic 2.3 GHG Emissions by assorted Sectors As has been described earlier, the GHG emanations are caused by the energy ingestion by the assorted sectors. Building sector including residential and commercial is responsible for at least 40-50 of energy usage in most of the states[ 7 ]as shown in the Figure [ 2.6 ] . Presently this tendency is lifting fast due to present building roar in developing states such as China, UAE and India. Fig. 2.6 GHG emanations are caused by the energy ingestion by the assorted sectors The other sectors are Industrial and Transportation, devouring 31 and 28 severally. As industrial sector is besides associated with edifices, it has been identified that edifices sector, infact is devouring about 70 of universe energy for their operations. In other words, edifices are the major beginning of GHG emanations. Fig. 2.7 GHG emanations caused by assorted sectors2.4 Energy Consumption TrendsEnergy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any state. The energy sector assumes a critical importance in position of the of all time increasing energy demands necessitating immense investings to run into them. Economic growing is desirable for developing states, and energy is indispensable for economic growing. However, the relationship between economic growing and increased energy demand is non ever a straightforward linear one. In developing states the ingestion of coal, oil, gas, and electricity is expected to treble within the following 30 old ages.[ 8 ] Although the maximal universe ââ¬Ës population ( 80 ) lives in the development states ( a fourfold population addition in the past 25 old ages ) , their energy ingestion sums to merely 40 of the universe entire energy ingestion as shown in the Graph [ 2.1 ] .WORLD ENERGY CONSUMPTIONGraph 2.1 Energy Distribution between Developed and Developing States from 1980-2005 The energy ingestion of assorted developed and developing states are shown in Graph [ 3.1 ][ 9 ]. It may be seen that developed states like USA, Canada, France, UK consume more energy in contrast to the developing states like China, India & A ; Pakistan. It can besides be observed from the Graph [ 2.2 ] that developing state like Pakistan, the primary energy ingestion is merely 1/217th of the universe, 1/51th of USA, 1/11.6th clip of Japan and 6.5, 5.8, 5.0 times that of Canada, France and U.K severally. Graph 2.2 Prime Energy Consumption by 2005 In both developed and developing states the energy is consumed in four major sectors including domestic, commercial, industrial and transit. The part of each sector depends on their prevailing energy ingestion tendencies.Energy Consumption Trends in Developed CountriesThe most energy devouring sector in developed & A ; developing states is the edifice sector. In USA the residential and commercial edifices are grouped together because they use energy in the same ways for warming and chilling, illuming, heating H2O, and runing contraptions. Together, abodes and commercial edifices consume more than a 3rd of the energy 39 used in the United States 2007, as shown in Graph [ 2.3 ] .[ 10 ] United Kingdom ( U.K. ) the universe ââ¬Ës 5th largest energy devouring state, both residential and commercial sector is devouring maximal energy of 49[ 11 ]as compared to in USA 39 as shown in the Graph [ 2.3 ] . But the common tendency in both USA and Canada remain same and indicates that edifice sector is devouring maximal energy. Graph 2.3 Energy Consumption by USA and UK 2007Energy Consumption Trends in Developing StatesIndia is presently one of the fastest turning economic systems of the universe with more than one billion population. India is 2nd thickly settled state of the universe and stood fifth in the universe with respect to primary energy ingestion in 2009. With regard to assorted sectors, the edifice sector including residential and commercial become the largest consumer of the energy in footings of electricity, histories for 59. The industrial and agricultural sectors accounting for 31 of the entire energy consumed, followed by conveyance sector lending 10, as shown in the Graph [ 2.4 ] .[ 12 ] The adjacent state China ââ¬Ës economic growing is responsible for its lifting energy demand, and projections assume that reasonably rapid growing will go on. Gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) grew at a rate of 9.8 per twelvemonth during the period 1985-1995 and is expected to average 6.6 per twelvemonth until 2020. China ââ¬Ës energy ingestion has grown and will go on to turn along with its economic system. China energy ingestions are about 10 of the entire universe energy in the twelvemonth 2009. The Industrial sector is the chief consumer of energy, accounting for 50, residential and commercial sector is responsible for 38 and conveyance sector is devouring about 12 of the entire energy produced as shown in the Graph [ 2.4 ] .[ 13 ] Graph 2.4 Total Energy Consumption in India Sector wise, 2009 It has been established from the treatment that edifice sector is a major consumer of energy. Therefore there is an pressing demand to conserve energy to extenuate GHG emanations every bit good as to run into the current and future energy demands.2.5 Decrease of Green House Gases ( GHG ) EmissionsIt has already been identified that edifice sector usage more than 50 energy and 70 of electricity produced. Buildings are the major subscriber of GHG emanations and every bit responsible for the addition in Global heating. It is of import to minimise the energy usage in edifices to diminish the inauspicious impact of GHG and the Global heating. The GHG Emissions produced by edifices can be reduced significantly by utilizing energy more expeditiously and by utilizing energy from renewable beginnings of energy. Therefore, there is demand to plan and construct energy efficient edifices to get the better of the flourishing environmental crises.2.6 Energy Situation in PakistanPakistan faces really serious energy jobs particularly for the last one decennary. Its energy resources base is limited. Its domestic production is non maintaining gait with the rise in demand ; its population is turning at a rate of 1.8 per twelvemonth[ 14 ]. Harmonizing to the Economic Survey of Pakistan during the twelvemonth 2006-07, the rapid growing in the Industrial/Manufacturing zones of Pakistan has created a large spread between demand and supply of the electricity during the recent old ages. It is besides concluded that the demand in electricity will be increased at a rate of 7.9 annually from 2008 to 2020.[ 15 ]The tabular array below summarizes the sector wise power demand till the twelvemonth 2020 as shown in the Fig. [ 2.8 ][ 16 ]. Demand AND SUPPLY Fig. 2.8 Supply and Demand of Electricity in Pakistan from 2008 to 2020 Presently the installed capacity of electricity by WAPDA & A ; KESC can carry through the current energy demand of the state, but they are unable to bring forth the maximal capacity during the twelvemonth 2008-09, go forthing a immense spread of 4500 Megawatts between supply and demand. Untitled-1 Fig. 2.9 The electricity spread between demand & A ; supply during the twelvemonth 2009 Fig. 2.18 The electricity coevals through assorted resorts, twelvemonth 20092.6.1 Energy ingestion in PakistanThe residential sector represents 40 of the entire electricity, with industry 31 and agricultural 15 accounting for the remainder,[ 17 ]as shown in the Graph [ 2.5 ][ 18 ]. Pakistan commercial sector includes private and authorities not residential edifices. The commercial sector represents about 5 of the electricity ingestion. Graph 2.5 demoing the electricity ingestion in assorted sectors, twelvemonth 2009 In the commercial sector electricity demand is increasing 14 every twelvemonth, which is higher than the entire energy growing of merely 6. The faster growing of electricity ingestion can be attributed to the increasing incursion of air conditioning, fans and other electric contraptions.[ 19 ] It has identified that the form of energy ingestion in Pakistan has a resemblance with the regional every bit good as the International energy ingestion tendencies where edifice sector is the chief consumer of energy except China where Industrial sector is devouring maximal energy as compared to the edifice sector as shown in the graph [ 2.6 ] below ; Graph 2.6 Comparison of Energy Consumption Trends in Pakistan with Regional & A ; International Energy Consumption Trends, twelvemonth 20092.7 National Policies for Energy Efficiency2.7.1 Importance of Energy PolicyOn the energy demand and supply side, Pakistan is confronting terrible deficits. More than 75 of the entire crude oil merchandise demand is being met by imports, enforcing a heavy load on foreign exchange. Country is besides confronting Peak power and mean energy deficits of 12 and 7 severally. In the current scenario Pakistan requires an energy policy to is seeking to its energy demands to speed up the developments procedure. In the current state of affairs Pakistan is fighting for the last one decennary to speed up its development procedure with the limited energy resources. The lone possibility of its economic growing is to conserve energy by following an energy policy formulated by the Government Authorities. This energy policy should move as a fanciful motion for energy preservation which can significantly cut down the energy ingestion in the coming old ages and can minimise its energy issues. It is of import to do attempt for its consciousness on national degree. It should be the duty of every Pakistani to lend in the execution of such energy policy. The Pakistan Government is seeking to develop and implement such policy for energy efficiency in assorted sectors, in a sustainable mode. The Pakistan National Policy for energy preservation has been prepared by The ENERCON. It is an attempt to advance the effectual usage of national energy resources by presenting different schemes & A ; guidelines. These guidelines act as a roadmap for the Government to command the serious energy issues in the nearest hereafter. The policy explores the energy & A ; environmental related plans to advance patterns & A ; industrial fabrication related to energy preservation & A ; energy efficiency. The policy is intended to bring forth an ambiance and consciousness on national degree to advance energy preservation patterns.[ 20 ]2.7.2 The National Policy Framework GoalsThe National policy for ââ¬Å" Energy Conservation â⬠has the following strategic ends. The lifting degrees of energy ingestion in Pakistan will be fulfilled with the aid of energy preservation without seting extra load on the available energy resources. Energy efficient techniques and schemes can better Pakistan ââ¬Ës economic public presentation and positive impact on the energy resources. Energy efficiency and energy preservation policies can develop extra concern chances and can make employment to cut down poorness in the state. Energy preservation policies would be helpful in the extenuation of nursery gases ( GHG ) and to command their inauspicious impact on the environment. The efficient usage of energy in assorted sectors will increase the economic growing.2.7.3 AimsThe National policy for energy preservation has the following wide based aims Energy preservation should be promoted through modulating the energy resources and implementing the energy direction programmes in all economic sectors of Pakistan. To advance the importance of energy efficiency by presenting and marketing presentation undertakings throughout the state. Create an overall environment to cut down the energy ingestion from assorted economic sectors through appropriate policy steps for a sustainable development. Each economic sector should be appreciated by the Government on successful execution of the energy policies.[ 21 ]2.7.4 Guidelines for Buildings and Households SectorsThe National policy of energy preservation has developed a guideline for the commercial, industrial & A ; family edifices are listed below ; Energy scrutinizing in commercial / industrial and house clasp should be introduced to place the job countries. The thermic belongingss of different edifice stuffs in usage should be evaluated with regard to different climatic zones and the edifice energy codifications. Different equipments, fixtures and contraptions used in commercial, industrial and family should be introduced following the energy public presentation codifications. Enhanced Energy efficient constructing systems like HVAC and interior lighting should be introduced to optimise the energy usage in the state. Energy efficient schemes for edifices should be incorporated through relevant governments in building undertakings.2.8 Commercial / Office Buildings Trends in PakistanIn commercial edifices more than half of its energy is consumed in its infinite chilling, warming and interior lighting. During the last twosome of old ages the usage of glass in commercial edifices becomes the hottest tendency in edifice sector. In particularly commercial office edifices glass has become the symbol of edification and high-tech life manner, without sing its impact on the energy ingestion. This freshly emerging tendency can be seen in the modern metropoliss like Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad, where the new skyline is developing. Pakistan is an under developed state, enduring energy crises for the last many old ages in different sectors. In most of the states including Pakistan the edifices including commercial, residential, public and educational are devouring about 40 of their entire energy produced. The commercial sector includes offices, infirmaries, schools, hotels, shopping promenades & A ; eating houses. Each edifice type has its ain alone energy demands. In commercial edifices more than half of its energy is consumed in its infinite chilling, warming and interior lighting. The last few old ages have seen glass go the ââ¬Ëhottest manner statement ââ¬Ë in edifice building. In modern metropoliss like Lahore, Karachi & A ; Islamabad skylines have emerged with high-rise edifices clad in gleaming glass, spelling out richness and manner. Peoples today are willing to fling on glass merely to acquire that ââ¬Ëhi-tech ââ¬Ë and sophisticated expression. The latest tendency to capture the illusion of designers and builders is the usage of glass without sing its impact on the edifice energy ingestion.2.8.1 Common Design Features of Commercial / Office Buildings in PakistanIn Pakistan there is a broad scope of commercial edifices, get downing from a individual floor construction to a high rise multi floor edifice. The commercial edifices which are added during the last one decennary are usually multistoried due to increased land cost. These edifices are designed for multi-functions to suit the activities like Shopping, Offices, and Apartments in order to acquire maximal commercial benefits. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.panoramio.com/photos/original/22689620.jpg Figure 2.10. Jeff Heights with multi map adjustment, Lahore Unfortunately, amongst designers and builders, there appears to be a inclination to restrict the design of commercial office edifices to the external frontage and the circulation system merely. The existent office infinites themselves are no more than readily salable blocks of insignificant infinite. The renters are expected to change over the characterless infinite into useable offices and besides provide the necessary comfortss for their employees. Part of the job lies in the fact that over their life span, office infinites do hold many different users/owners. Hafeez Centre.jpg Figure 2.11. With the alteration of Owners the Facade of Hafeez Centre has changed Foreign coactions / Multi-national Organizations are besides altering the acceptableness criterions in office environment. The new professional building companies both in the private every bit good as the public sectors are, hence, now puting up office edifices and composites with better installations. Now it has been realized that edifices can be designed to expose non merely the wealth but besides the company ââ¬Ës merchandises, for showing the societal concerns of the company. The majority of our office infinite is created as bad building and neither the owner/builder nor the designer is able to make much with these edifices. In this state of affairs, most designers concern themselves merely with the seeable elements of design. Mentor Graphics.jpg Figure 2.12. A Multinational Company ( Mentor Graphics ) Head Office Building designed with modern installations & A ; International Standards The biggest ocular job is that of infinite chilling or air-conditioning equipment. Not many constructing frontages have infinite for the scope of air-conditioners and evaporative air-coolers soon available. The few efforts at covering with this job have met with partial success merely, and the job exists even in centrally air-conditioned edifices. No equipment maker has yet come out with an air conditioner that looks nice non merely from indoors but from outside as good. Al Hafeez Plaza.jpg Figure 2.13 Shows the AC Outdoor units are looking at the facade Although the chief ground for Windowss is to guarantee daytime, for assorted grounds, even when they have big Windowss, most office edifices are dependent on unreal lighting. In office edifices on tight urban sites the designer seldom gets to take the edifice orientation. The designer frequently forced to supply Windowss confronting unfavourable waies ensuing in ocular unpleasantness when the users have to put in blinds, sunblocks or solar movies. In large metropoliss of Pakistan the important facet of commercial edifices is fire safety which has been realized for the last twosome of old ages. This straight concerns the proprietors every bit good as the users. In building, the duty for put ining fire safety devices lies with the builder who is, unfortunately, non truly concerned about it. In this state of affairs the designer ââ¬Ës function becomes more important. Through appropriate design one can guarantee the built-in fire safety of a edifice, a characteristic which is utile if fire safety devices have non been installed. Dislocations in the supply of electricity are common in all our metropoliss. This requires that edifices should be designed for exigency operation even when power is non available. Lifts and exigency services have to be available all the clip. Yet there are few edifices that can run into this demand. In utmost instances people end up put ining inverters with storage batteries or little single petrol/kerosene generators. There are serious jobs of fire safety, environmental pollution and efficiency with all such devices. With the integrating of assorted activities and services, the office edifice can be made ââ¬Ëintelligent ââ¬Ë . A few such edifices are now either on the pulling board or under building. In position of the above given illustrations it is rather obvious that the building of such multistory edifices to carry through the lifting life criterions are considered to be the causes of increased energy demand in edifice sector. A However, a critical rating is required in position of the local climatic conditions. Excessive usage of concrete and glass, high degrees of light and heavy trust on infinite conditioning equipment are a common characteristic of our edifices.2.9 Research AreaEnergy ingestion in edifice sector has been an of import research country for developed & amp ; developing states due to increasing energy demand worldwide and its inauspicious environmental, economical & A ; societal impacts. In Pakistan the current tendency of commercial/office edifices is to build high rise edifices. These edifices require a immense sum of electricity to run. The demand of electricity in such edifices has increased at the rate of 14 per twelvemonth. The current research will research the energy ingestion in high rise office edifices and expression at the ways & A ; means for efficient usage of energy in such edifices.2.10 Aims of ResearchThe chief aim of the research is to develop schemes for the design of energy efficient high rise office edifices in Lahore. In order to accomplish the above objective the undermentioned affairs besides needs to be addressed ; To place edifice constituents & A ; systems responsible for increased energy ingestion in high-rise office edifices. To place the energy preservation criterions & A ; codifications of pattern to be used as benchmark to find the energy efficiency of high rise office edifices. To look into the energy ingestion tendencies in bing high rise office edifices in Lahore. To develop guidelines for the design of Energy Efficient high rise Office edifices in Lahore.2.11 Research MethodologyA wide scope of information was needed to accomplish the aims of the proposed research. The undermentioned methods are used to roll up the necessary information.Literature ReviewIt is of import to look into the edifice constituents and systems that are important with respect to energy ingestion in high rise office edifices. A list of such constituents and systems is developed after thorough reappraisal of the literature. A figure of energy codifications for edifices are practiced in different states. Different codes & A ; criterions are identified and reviewed to choose the most appropriate codifications to be used as benchmark. Information was besides collected with respect to the techniques and tools that are used for the appraisal of edifice energy public presentation. This information is used to choose the most appropriate tool for the appraisal of energy public presentation of edifices.Field SurveyIt is decided to choose at least two bing tower block office edifices as instance surveies for elaborate probe, maintaining in position the clip available and other restraints. Most of the new commercial / office development are located at Gulberg in Lahore which is being developed as a new concern territory of the metropolis.Selection Criteria & A ; Selection of Case StudiesThe undermentioned choice standards were established to choose the instance surveies ; Building should be complete and in usage at least for one twelvemonth. Building should hold a individual usage. The drawings & A ; design parametric quantities of the selected edifices should be accessible. Most of the edifices surveyed in Gulberg are either multi-functional or under building. In some instances entree to drawings and design informations was non available. Therefore, it was decided to choose one instance survey from another country of Lahore. Harmonizing to the choice standards following edifices were selected. Bank of Punjab Tower, Gulberg Lahore JDEL Building at Descon World Headquaters, 18-Km, Ferozepure Road, Lahore The selected edifices were exhaustively surveyed and investigated. All the necessary drawings and design informations was collected through the adviser. In many instances the advisers were loath to supply the necessary information due to security grounds. However, through many attempts, all the necessary information was collected.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Aristotles Eudaimonia - 1627 Words
ARISTOTLES EUDAIMONIA Eudaimonia stands for happiness in Greek. Aristotle argues that the highest good for human beings is happiness. He insists that every action performed by humans is to pursue happiness. Aristotle also argues that human action is always aimed at some end or good. This good may not be viewed as a good action or any good by others, but for the doer of the action (good), the activity will be perceived as good and that it will bring a favorable outcome. Aristotle also said that all of our actions resulting in ends or goods form a hierarchy. This hierarchy, incorporates a ladder of things, and this ladder would categorize things according to their importance. And the most important thing would be on top of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the end, Aristotle argues that [the best life or the happiest life is a life where the agent does everything or lives their life for the sole purpose of philosophical contemplation]5. He also wrote that a person must be fully intelligent, in order to l ive a life of happiness, since life is an activity of virtues. This excluded babies, because of their age they cant participate in the activity and it also excluded animals for the same reasoning. In the course of reading Nicomachean Ethics Book I, one of the problems I have encountered is the generalizations that Socrates makes about happiness. He says that the highest activity must be in accordance with the virtue. So these virtues are being defined as being virtues only if they lead to happiness. But what about virtues that exist but dont lead to happiness or maybe they can not be explained as leading to happiness. For example courage or justice. Somebody can be courageous naturally, then does this mean then they dont have a happy life? The second problem I have come across is that Aristotle said that in order to profit from the study he undertook, one must already have been brought up in good habits. Then he means that his audience must consist of people who already have retained virtues. This would very much limit the audience. It would not address people who have doubts or are not sure about the values of traditional virtues and have notShow MoreRelatedAristotles Theory of the Good Life968 Words à |à 4 PagesAccording to Aristotle, the good life is the happy life, as he believes happiness is an end in itself. In the Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle develops a theory of the good life, also known as eudaimonia, for humans. Eudaimonia is perhaps best translated as flourishing or living well and doing well. Therefore, when Aristotle addresses the good life as the happy life, he does not mean that the good life is simply one of feeling happy or amused. Rather, the good life for a person is the active lifeRead More Essay on Aristotles Notion on Eudaimonia and Virtue 1550 Words à |à 7 Pagesinterest to be virtuous . I will do this by first describing Aristotleââ¬â¢s notion on both eudaimonia and virtue , as well as highlighting the intimate relationship between the two . Secondly I will talk about the human role in society. Thirdly I will describe the intrinsic tie between human actions . Finally I will share the importance of performing activities virtuously . The central notion of Aristotle is eudaimonia or ââ¬Å"happinessâ⬠which is best translated as a flourishing human life . Happiness is aRead MoreThe Pursuit Of Happiness By Aristotle1156 Words à |à 5 Pages The pursuit of happiness is the reason for our existence (Aristotle, 2004) The Greek word that usually gets translated as happiness is eudaimonia, and like most translations from ancient languages, there is a loss of deeper meaning in translation. According to Aristotle happiness (eudaimonia) is the central purpose of human life and a goal in itself (Aristotle, 2004) (Creed, Wardman 1963). 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He believed that virtues led to happiness, and virtues meant the act of achieving balance and moderation. ââ¬Å"A good life is one that provides all the necessary conditions and opportunities for a person to become fully himself or herself ââ¬â and one in which the per son has the character to do soâ⬠(Soccio, 2010). Aristotle talked about achieving happiness, not in an emotional state; but itRead MoreErgon, Eudaimonia, Psyche in Artistotleà ´s De Amina742 Words à |à 3 Pagesbenefit from the lesser to the greater and the greater to the lesser. Aristotle contends in the De Anima that the soul dwells in all living things and therefore all living things can know of fear, passions, virtues, and happiness that is found in the Nicomachean Ethics. Should the soul be conformable in the body or shape in which the soul (psyche) dwells and happiness (eudaimonia) issues from that form then all things according to Aristotle have a function (ergon); a function that is necessary for the survivalRead MoreVirtues Of Happiness Moral Ethics856 Words à |à 4 PagesVirtues of Happiness Moral Ethics An individualââ¬â¢s virtue ethics does not depend on the society that they live in, the spirituality that they follow, or their culture/upbringing; but they depend exclusively on the individuals themselves. Aristotle introduced moral ethics theory in his Nicomachean Ethics books. The idea of ethics is questioning long term goals, ââ¬Ëwhat sort of person do I want to beââ¬â¢ instead of instantaneous decisions that question ââ¬Ëwhat should I do in this situation?ââ¬â¢ Virtues areRead MoreJohn Stuart Mill And Aristotle2772 Words à |à 12 PagesJohn Stuart Mill and Aristotle both address the idea of happiness as the goal of human life. 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Aristotleââ¬â¢s arguments for happiness and human purpose help to provide answers to these questions, though as with all philosophical topics there areRead MoreHappiness Is an Activity Essay1287 Words à |à 6 Pagesthis paper I will discuss Aristotleââ¬â¢s claim that happiness is a kind of activity and not a momentary pleasure. Some people might worry that Aristotle is wrong in making this claim by presuming that happiness is a state of mind rather than a constant pursuit in which a person must actively strive for throughout the entirety of ones life. I will argue that Aristotle is correct when he declares that happiness is a kind of activity that we strive for and ultimate ly attain throughout the entirety of our
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